About us
O.A.A.S. Team

Benjamin Prunier
Full stack developper/ Cybersecurity expert / Project leader / CEO

Valentin Fortin
Développeur Front-end / Designer UI
O.A.A.S. History
BUILD : 2016-2018
We create OAAS in order to launch an I.O.T. device with 7 associates.
This device wasn't commercialized because of the R.O.I. too weak for the supported market.
After this P.O.C., we created a full data-plateform with I.A. which is used for ours clients and internal use.

DEPLOY : 2019-2021
This was the epoch of partnership. We launch a lot of patnerships in order to have a full offer for our client : from their ideas to hosting solutions.
Many data-platforms were shipped, we increased data quality.
QUALITY : 2021- Now
We whare our knowledges and tools for our clients, we and our partners offer our network expertises.