
The first networking platform for patent


The main objectiv was to create a networking platform that allows clients (Inventor, Company) to create their own projects and to have an estimation of the feasability of their projects for a patent. The second objectiv was to dispatch the projet amond the community of consultants allowing them to write a patent.


Firstly, we study the process of patent deposit, in order to have for the clients and YesMyPatent, a filter on projects that could ba patentable. This module was the entering gate of the plateform allow client to know if they need a patent.

Secondly, we indicate for the client the price of a patent, with a cost simulator.

Thirdly, we include in the platform, a form to descrive their ideas.

At the end of all, the idea become a project, the project was taken by a patent expert, allow client and consutant to communicate thought the platform and to follow the project.

The E.R.P. module was used to have the tracability of Quote, Invoice, Documents for all the process.


An Odoo platform was personnalized in a high security environment.

The project was hosting by O.A.A.S. beetween 2016 and 2021

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