O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier IA-Aqua Why Our goal was to deliver in few weeks a new fresh environment for the IOT dataplatorm. The old one was not maintain. How Our client has made all the specifications, and we help to find the best usa... Jul 31, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier RDIManager Why Our goal was to deliver in few weeks a new infrastructural high availabilty environment. How We studied all the project, with a lack of documentation. We created a new entire branch with a good le... Jul 31, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier TelecomParisTech Why We help to create a dataplatform for visualization of all 4G protocol. How Our partnership was to understand all this keypath of the protocol 4G. After transfering the knowledge, we investigate wi... Jul 31, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Fareva Why As the project manager of LIMS Labware , I have two phases of the project: The first one was to install American Labware LIMS into French facilities : 2019-2020 . The second phase was to transfert... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Confidentiel 1 Why This project includes a lot of confidentility. The main goal was to integrate a laboratory device in a real time envrionment . How We studied all the project, with a lot of specification. These sp... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Infogene Why The Qatar government needs to be supported in order to write sepecfications for all the food tracability before the Football World Cup . How We were three people to write all the specifications. W... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Nocash Why We created Nocash in order to create a solution contactless payment for bars. How We create a company, we have 30k to create, develop, host a new contactless solution for bar. It was before mobile... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier ScierieDuForez Why We help to create a small tool based on excel in ordre to calculate the volume of wood contains in a forest parcel. How The customer has all the algorithm and helps us to have the full specificati... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Auditien Why The developper team left and the customer needs to be supported in order to maintain the platform . How The Serious Game for Audition was maintained during one year with bug correction and project... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Innovapeek Why The platform objective was to trace all the steps during the serilization of orthodontics clamps . How Firstly, the customer have found the right way to include RFID tags into clamps. Two tags wer... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier Fleet4C Why The main objective was to create an IOT plateform to measure tire wear with a device. The customer has developped an algorithm linked to a special device. How Firstly, we create the IOT platform t... Mar 7, 2024 Customers
O.A.A.S., Benjamin Prunier YesMyPatent Why The main objectiv was to create a networking platform that allows clients (Inventor, Company) to create their own projects and to have an estimation of the feasability of their projects for a pate... Feb 2, 2024 Customers