OAAS - IOTPlatform

The first programmable IOT Platform for management, monitoring, and control of your connected devices remotely


No need to recreate a product, this platform is programmable with XML and Python

  • Centralize device management: Allow connection and administration of multiple devices via a single interface.
  • Data collection and analysis: Real time data sending and analysis for quick and effective decision-making.
  • Interoperability: compatible with LORA and SIGFOX on developement.
  • Scalability: you can plug a large number of device type.
  • Security: All data are encrypted, timestamped, and access control of authentication and actions are saved in an audit trail.

Your benefits

  • Cost saving (1k€ licence VS 50k€ dev.) : no need to code anything, just focus on your main business with easy scripting, no need to hire developpers.
  • Fleet managment : focus on your clients and on your device.
  • High security : meet high secure standard with us


Key Features

Device Management

  • Centralized interface to register, configure, monitor, and update devices.
  • Multi-protocol support to ensure compatibility with a wide range of IoT devices.

Data Collection and Visualization

  • Real-time dashboard to visualize sensor data (temperature, humidity, energy consumption, etc.).
  • Visualization tools to analyze data trends and correlate them with other metrics.

Automation and Control

  • Trigger automated actions (e.g., turning on a light or adjusting temperature) based on predefined parameters or specific events.
  • Integration with cloud services and external APIs for more sophisticated actions.

Advanced Security

  • Strong authentication for devices and users.
  • Data encryption both at the device level and during network communications.

Alert Management

  • Instant notifications in case of malfunction or abnormal events (e.g., exceeding temperature thresholds).
  • Advanced alert management and reporting.


Create your first case

  • Create your user, group, device type and device.
  • Add your python script and cron job.
  • See your devices.
  • Program your alert and link devices together.
  • Verify all thing worked.

The first programmable LORA-compatible IOT platform

In next few weeks we will realease an entire iot dataplatform with personnalized hosting staring from 99€/month.

Do you want a projet like this one ?